Bluegrass State ApHC Newsletter
Bluegrass State ApHC
Letter from the President, June 18, 2006
To: Fellow Club members
Subject: Update
This letter is a friendly reminder that the show season is definitely underway. If you or your family member had planned to be in the running for points and World qualification this fall you had better make sure that you have paid your dues. I have attached a list of those that are current paid members. If you are not listed you had better check your records and send some money in. Your world qualifying or regional points will not count until you are current. Be sure to fill out your nomination forms and send your results in!
Bluegrass has a website that is being wonderfully managed by Rhonda Hall. Rhonda has done a fantastic job. I encourage you to visit the website for updates and important forms that can be downloaded. Be Sure to check it out!
As many of you are aware Bluegrass, Kentucky Mid State and the West KY ApHC established an Appaloosa Owners Association to manage the money that will be coming in from the breeders incentive funds. There are several ways your horse can compete for
awards and money - Regional Shows, Open Shows, Futurity and Saddle Log/Trail Program. There are forms included with this letter to use to enroll your horse and get him certified as KY Bred. The KapOA show is scheduled for September 30 at the Nelson County Fairgounds, Rain or shine. You Must show your Ky Certified App there for qualification for monetary awards. The weanling futurity wil be held at the Nan Tippin Classic show in Bowling Green on September 9th. Website:
It is time to have your ads sold for the Bowling Green show. In order to make this show a success we really need to sell $1000. worth of adds. Last year's show was a success due to the hard work and dedication of Terri Crabtree and Shelia Payne selling ads for the show program. The cost will be the same this year: $50.00 for full page, 25.00 half page
All you have to do is submit the information and copy ready ad to Terri or myself and we
will make sure your ad is in the directory. In fact since we have a total of 26 paid families
if each family would purchase a full page each we would not have to sell a single ad!
(26 X $50. = $1300.00)