Bluegrass  State  ApHC
Stallion Service Sale
& Futurity Rules
2006 Breeding Season

1. Stallion services will start auctioning at 1/2 their advertised fee.

2. Stallion services will be auctioned off after the final classes Saturday night on Sept. 10, 2005. Any service not sold at this time may be bought by mail-in bid.  SEE SHOW BILL

3. The services of CPO and out-crosses (TB, AQHA, et.) must be purchased for a regular papered mare.

4. Mare owners who buy a service agree to meet the stallion owners requirements in accordance with the stallion owners breeding contract.

5. Owner whose stallion service sells will be entitled to one free entry in the futurity in 2007.

6. Mare owners who purchase a stallion service must nominate their mare, at no cost, by December 31st of the year bred. Stallion owners whose service sells must also nominate their mare, at no cost, by December 31st of the year bred.

7. All other mares bred to participating stallions (stallions whose service sells) may be nominated to the futurity for $50.00.

8. Stallion services must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the futurity money. If a stallion service doesn't sell prior to this date, the stallion owner may opt to purchase the breeding themselves but must do so before nominations are due.

9. All mare nominations must be postmarked no later than Dec 31st of the year bred.

10. Mares who do not produce a live foal will be allowed to rebreed to the same stallion the following year. Rebreeds (carry-overs) must be used the following year unless there is a written veterinarian reason for not breeding. The mare owner may choose a different stallion ONLY when there is a veterinarian stated reason for not breeding to the same one. There will be NO refunds, NO substitutions, etc. .

11. In order for the mare owner to receive credit on their service purchase the following year, the futurity chairperson must be notified in writing within 7 days of the foal's death.

12. Payback will be split 65% back into the futurity, 15% to the stallion owner whose foals wins its division, 10% for advertising and 10% to the BGS ApHC.

13. Money will be paid to the first four places in each division.

14. BGS ApHC reserves the right to combine classes if there are not enough entries to fill a class.

15. Any rulings by the Futurity Committee and/or BGS ApHC BOD will be final.

16. Both the owner and exhibitor, if different, must be members of the BGS ApHC.

17. Any weanling foal whose dam was nominated to the futurity may show as long as the foal has Appaloosa registration papers. Owners must have foal registration papers with them the day of the Futurity show in order to enter the ring.

18. The Futurity show will be held in the fall of 2007.

19. The stallion services sold must have a minimum of 50% of the selling price at the time of the auction. The benefit applies to services purchased after the auction but prior to the end of the show on Sunday, Sept. 11th.  The balance to be paid by October 11th, 2005.  No mares will be bred until the entire fee is paid.  Reminder notices will not be sent.  It is the responsibility of the mare owner to pay the balance before the Oct. 11th deadline.  . The Futurity chairperson will notify the stallion owner when all fees are paid and the mare is eligible to be bred.

Ron Stinson
1730 Avondale Road
Gamaliel, KY 42140